133 Old Kennedy Road, Markham Ontario L3R 0L5

Prayer Items November 22nd, 2020

Prayer Items November 22nd, 2020

1.   Pray for Logos as we are journeying towards our 40th Year as a Church in 2021, our pastors for the planning of our 2021-2022 theme “Be Renewed” and church plans. May we move forward with a new spirit and unity that will make us true witnesses to Jesus Christ in this community as we continue to be a disciple making church.

2. Pray for the 2021 Church Council and Language Council Members. We ask the Lord to inspire brothers and sisters to actively participate and prepare to serve in the coming year.

3.   Please remember in prayer our upcoming dedicated prayer time leading into our November 29th Special Members Meeting of individual fasting and praying as well as praying together as a Church. May we come together as a church family to discern God’s direction as one. May we uplift this upcoming Special Members Meeting in prayer together as a church family.

4.    As the “COVID-19” outbreak worsens and the emergency measures for Ontario are tightened up again, let us as a community of believers let us look up to God for His guidance. Let’s pray for:

a. Brothers and sisters affected by the outbreak, everyday essential  workers on the front lines, medical staffs caring for patients, those who are temporarily laid off, and those who still need to go to work daily or need to work from home.

b. Teachers and students, may God keep so that they can adapt to the new measures of the class environment, and the special arrangements for teachers.

5. We thank God for preparing Rev. Scott Bissell to become our new EM Pastor and please remember him in your prayer for him and his family for new transitions as he takes on this new role.

6. As we move on from the whole Thanksgiving season, may we continue to be grateful for what God has blessed us with in our lives and that we can practice Thankful Living.

7. Please continue to pray for Maggie Kwan’s mother and her two young daughters through this difficult time of her passing. May God bring comfort and grace upon the three of them.


For God’s Kingdom

1. Pray for our missionaries and ministry partners near and far. We ask God to keep them free from viral infections during this trying time.

2. Continue to ask God to help motivate us to participate in his Kingdom Work both far and near.

3. Continue to pray for the OCC Shoeboxes and the Greatest Journey intentional disciple making intuitive this year and thanks to brothers and sisters to participate in this initiative.

4. Pray for our hearts to practice love and peace and show the love of Christ to those who are around us by praying for:

a. Frontline workers. May God protect them from infection by the virus. May God look after their families at this challenging time.

b. People who are temporarily laid off, small businesses suffering from loss of income, and families struggling with their finances. We ask God’s mercy to lead them out of this difficult situation in their material needs.

c. Elderly people living in long-term care and retirement homes, and to pray for those who have been isolated, causing anxiety and unease; we ask the Lord to comfort them during this difficult time.

d. Opportunities to bless others from our Church’s special COVID-19 Community Initiatives Newsletter and parents with kids who both work from home for God to help them use their time wisely and properly balance their daily schedule.

e. Please continue to pray for the worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19. We ask God’s mercy to heal those who are infected, and comfort those losing their loves ones due to this COVID-19.

f. Pray for our governmental leaders in Canada and Ontario as the epidemic continues to spread. We ask God to continue leading our government to seek for the best policies to protect our citizens.

5. Pray for the safety and wellbeing of Canada and our communities in Ontario, and the natural disasters caused by extreme weather around the world. We also pray for the current social and civil unrest worldwide due to racial injustices and the peaceful transition of the American Elections. May God’s sovereign hand be in control of these difficult situations in the world.

Congregational Needs

1. Pray for our online Zoom EM prayer meetings Tuesdays at 7:30 PM, Wednesdays at 7:30 PM, Thursdays at 10:30 AM, and Friday at 10:30 AM and that people will be encouraged to participate in them during this time of uncertainty in the world.

2. Please remember in prayer our EM/YM Fellowships, Katalyst (High School) as they have Q / A / Guest Speaker Night and Refresh (Young Adults) as they have Online Fellowship Night on Friday, November 27th as well as Philia (Junior High) as they have Premix Session 1 Night on Saturday, November 28th.
May this time of church suspension of physical gatherings be a time for these fellowship and small group ministries to grow and be strengthened.  

3. Continue to pray for those who are sick and those who are going through a tough time in their lives.

4. We thank God for providing us with our new EM Pastor, Rev. Scott. May God continually work through him as he leads our congregation.

Children Ministry 

1. Pray for our children understanding Christmas, the mystery of Jesus is God with us. May our children celebrate the birth of Christ together.

2. Pray for Sonlight Bundles. May our children learn more about God and experience His love more deeply.