133 Old Kennedy Road, Markham Ontario L3R 0L5

News & Announcements October 25th, 2020

News & Announcements October 25th, 2020

We welcome all to join our Worship Service on our Church YouTube Channel LBC (Milliken)

Next Week’s EM/YM Sunday Service (Streaming)

  1. Worship Speaker:  Rev. George Mah
  2. Passage: Philemon 1:7-17

Sunday Service
Our EM/YM Joint Sunday worship will start at 11:30 AM on YouTube.

A call to prayer
Our Pastoral Team and Deacon Board is inviting our church to have a time of dedicated prayer for the next 5 weeks prior to the special members meeting on November 29th.  The goal is to intentionally give space for God to step in, to take charge and allow His Spirit to minister to us individually and as a collective as we seek for self-reflection, resolve, a heart of openness/love and His direction moving forward.   Let anticipate and experience the Lord “with us”.  Please refer to this week’s communication letter for more details.

Fasting and Prayer
On Wednesday October 28th, November 11th, and 25th.  A self-directed guide will be made available through your fellowship/small group network.

Praying Together as a Church
On Wednesday November 4th and 18th at 8pm via Zoom.  An invitation will be sent through your fellowship/small group network.

Community Concern
Fall Curbside Donations Drive — to be held on Saturday Oct. 31st from 9AM to 1PM in the parking lot.  Please check Church website and Weekly News for details.

Mission Pledges
We continue to collect pledges today. Our Joint Mission budget next year for 5 sister churches is $314,393, and Logos Milliken for Joint Mission target is $116,502 and our own church Mission budget is $60,000 for a total of $176,502. Please keep the pledge for offering in the later days, and support with faith and prayer.

Operation Christmas Child
1. We have a target to bless 500 children with OCC Shoeboxes this year. Let’s pray and support this important ministry initiative to make it come true.

2. We will also be holding a special offering for The Greatest Journey Discipleship Class from October 11th Sunday to October 25th Sunday. This program allows children who received an OCC shoebox to continue to learn more about Jesus and become a disciple.

For Tithe.ly and e-Transfer offering, please type “The Greatest Journey” in the message box. For those who will use offering envelopes, please write “Others(TGJ)”

Administration Affairs
Church Common Council Meeting — To be held on Sunday November 1st 3PM on Zoom. All Pastors, Church Council Members of all congregations and Common Church Council Members are required to attend the meeting.

1. Winter Time setting
Please remember to rewind the clock back by 1 hour before going to bed by the end of Oct. 31st.

2. Ways of Offering
a. Interac e-Transfer
Brothers and sisters can give to Church through Interact e-Transfers beginning August 24th using the email address tithe@logosbaptist.org .  For more information, please refer to the Church website or newsletter insert.

b. Mail-in cheque offering

c. Cheque Offering Drop off to Church

d. On-line offering using Tithe.ly:

3. LBCM Financial Highlights 2020

The above financial is for your information. This financial summary is issued on a quarterly basis in April, July, October and January while the annual financial statements will be distributed at the Annual General Meeting in March.

4. News of Pastors and co-workers
The pastors and administration staff are working at the church office on a rotational basis. If you need pastoral care and assistance from office staff, you can call the Church at 905-305-6467, or contact via email or WhatsApp.