AGM – will be held Sept 27, 2020 Sunday 2pm. Two live stream information sessions will be available on the dates below to allow members to ask questions pertaining to this AGM arrangement : Sept. 12th, from 3 to 4 PM and Sept. 12th, morning from 10 to 11 AM.
If you have any question about the AGM, please email your question to Deacon Edwin at
To attend Q & A, please follow the registration instruction below
This is the NEW registration link for this Saturday’s Q&A session. The old link is cancelled. Please register again.
When: Sep 12, 2020 10:00 AM
這是本星期六問答環節的註冊鏈接, 請重新註冊.
Listen only telephone dial in: 收聽電話撥入:
647 374 4685 or 647 558 0588
Webinar ID: 942 2018 3145