133 Old Kennedy Road, Markham Ontario L3R 0L5

Prayer Items October 27, 2019

Prayer Items October 27, 2019

For our Church Community

1.  Our 2019 Church Sub Theme is “Fish for People” and as we continue to make disciples from “Me” (Individual) to “We” (Church) and eventually to “Others”, may we all experience how to be Fishers of People as we go and bear fruit.

2.  Please pray for our pastors and leaders as they plan for the Year 2020 and for the continuous journey towards a disciple-making church.

3.  Please pray for our Church as we are looking for an EM Pastor, an Assistant Pastor for Youth (Cantonese & Mandarin), and an Assistant Pastor for Young Adults and Family.

4.  Please pray for the Board of Deacons meeting this afternoon.

5.  Please pray for Fall Fest and for the newcomers we invite. Pray also as we reach out to our community to share the gospel and the love of Jesus with them.

6.  We ask the Lord to give us a mission heart, to fulfill the mission that God commanded us as we go and fish for people to go and bear fruit.

For God’s Kingdom

1. Pray for Rev. Wilson Lu as he continues his seminary studies and his liaisons with local churches.  Pray also for the family’s adjustment after returning to Canada

2. Please pray for Rev. Michael Lau, as he will spend the month in Feb. 2020 to promote and launch the LBC Joint Mission PEACE in Trinidad. Pray for God’s blessings and guidance for a smooth commencement.

3.  Sister Wendy Lai and her husband will travel to Mexico for a 6-month mid-term mission trip, please pray for their preparations and living arrangements, and we ask God to continue keeping and leading them in the mission field.

4.  Pray for Hong Kong and for the people affected by the incidents. We ask that God’s Sovereign Hand be at work in Hong Kong during this time.

Congregational Needs

1.  Pray for our EM prayer meetings on every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7:30 pm in room B03 and that people will be encouraged to participate in them.

2.  Pray for our EM Fellowships, Katalyst (High School) as they have Small Group Night and Refresh (Young Adults) as they have Off Night on Friday, November 1st, as well as Philia (Junior High) as they will have Operation Christmas Child Packing on Saturday, November 9th

3. Pray for our sister Grace Chan who is currently battling cancer. May God grant her doctors wisdom to give her the best care.

4. Continue to pray for those who are sick and those who are going through a tough time in their lives.

Children Ministry 

1. Pray for Teacher’s Spiritual Retreat on Nov. 16th, pray that teachers and families would join us for a day of learning, fun and rest. 

2.   Pray for Children’s Christmas service, may God guide the planning team.