133 Old Kennedy Road, Markham Ontario L3R 0L5

News & Announcements October 6, 2019

News & Announcements October 6, 2019

Welcome ALL to our Logos Milliken 

If this is your first time at Logos, please visit our Welcome Table and kindly sign our guest book.

Next Week’s EM/YM Joint Service

  1. Worship Speaker : Rev. George Mah
  2. Welcome Team: EM
  3. Passage for Message: 2 Cor 6:1-10

Sunday Service

Our Sunday worship starts at 11:30 am with a period of 15 minutes for us to pray and reflect. We encourage you to make use of this time to prepare your hearts to worship and enjoy the presence of God.

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

EM has prayer meetings every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30PM in room B03. You are invited to come and pray together as a community.

Administration Affair

  1. Deacon Board Structure & Function Review Committee – Congregation Representative — We encourage members from EM and CM who are interested in taking part in this task force to submit their names directly to Deacon Edwin Siu – Chairman of the Board before the end of today.
  2. Reports on Member’s Meeting— please refer to the insert for the voting results from last Sunday’s Members Meeting.

Mission Department — 2019 LBC Joint Mission Conference

a.  English Mission Conference ― to be held on Friday, Oct. 25th, 7:30 pm in the gym. Speaker: Rev. Calvin Russel. All are welcome to attend.

b.  Mission Pledges ― we will collect Mission Pledges on Oct. 27th and Nov. 3rd. Our Joint Mission budget next year is $132,500 and our church Mission budget is $74,300 for a total of $206,800. Please pray for our mission efforts and brothers and sisters supporting this pledge through faith.        

Children Ministry

1.  Fall Fest 2019

a. Children age 2 to Grade 6 are invited to join us for an evening full fun and fellowship on October 31st from 6:30pm-8:30pm. It is $3 per child. There is an option to purchase dinner (dinner is $2 and at 6:00pm). Children under 2 and newcomers are free. Parents/Guardians are responsible to supervise their children at all times. For more information, please contact Pastor Angelina or Connie. Cut-off date for registration: Oct. 20th.

b. Fall Fest 2019 need volunteers! If you are interested in serving, please contact Pastor Angelina.

Community Concerns — Fall is officially upon us and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Please help set the table for our hungry neighbors by taking part in LBC food drive. Brother and sister can bring healthy non-perishable items to church and drop into the box besides Elevator from next week onward.


1.  Arrangement for Thanksgiving Joint Worship Sunday on October 13th.

a.   CM1/MM 9:30AM in the Sanctuary: preaching in English and interpreting in Mandarin

b.  CM2/EM/YM 11:30AM in the Sanctuary: preaching in English and interpreting in Cantonese.

2.  News from Finance

Offering reports for September and YTD Jan-Sept. 2019 are now posted on the bulletin board outside the mainoffice.Please check your records for reconciliation.

3.  News of Members

Sister Donna Hum of Hebron Fellowship passed away on Sept. 24th, and the funeral service was held yesterday, may God comfort the family during this difficult moment.

4. News of Co-worker

Clarence Hinh will be on leave from Oct. 8-12th, and will be back in the office on Oct. 16th.