133 Old Kennedy Road, Markham Ontario L3R 0L5

Prayer Items July 7, 2019

Prayer Items July 7, 2019

For our Church Community

  1. Our 2019 Church Sub Theme is “Fish for People” and as we continue to make disciples from “Me” (Individual) to “We” (Church) and eventually to “Others”, may we all experience how to be Fishers of People as we go and bear fruit.
  2. Praise the Lord that our church is forging ahead towards our 39th year of ministry, and we ask the Lord to continue to use us as a blessing to the community as we go and bear fruit.
  3. Pray for the church leaders and their families. We ask the Lord to inspire them to serve wholeheartedly and bless their families who support and encourage them in their ministries.
  4. Pray for the Nomination Committee of the 2020 Church Council and the Congregation Meeting on July 21st.
  5. Please pray for the quick adaptation for Rev. Fred Chiu serving in the Mandarin Ministry.
  6. Pray for the “I Can Only Imagine” movie discussion groups and follow up.
  7. The Summer holidays are coming and we ask God to lead brothers and sisters to grasp the opportunity to go and bear fruit, so that this summer holiday are more meaningful, fruitful and more exciting.



For God’s Kingdom

  1. Pray for Rev. Lu for his mission work in Panama. He will return to Toronto from Sept. to Jun. (2019-2020) to further his studies in a seminary and to share about his mission fund raising. We ask God to continue to lead him. Please also remember Mrs. Lu and their daughter as they adjust to the changes.
  2. Pray for our Logos community outreach initiatives for this upcoming summer:
    1. Koinonia Camp (July 8th to August 16th)
    2. LBC Carnival (July 20th)
  3. Thank God for giving our students and young people the opportunity to use Remix Short-term Mission trip to help them position their lives on the message and mission of Jesus Christ. May God continue to work in their lives, allowing them to strive to deliver the gospel message in their daily lives to glorify God.
  4. Please pray for the local and overseas short-term mission opportunities that are being prepared for the second half of the year. These include David City, Panama in September 2019 and a Child/Youth Bible Camp there in January 2020.
  5. Pray for Hong Kong and those who are affected by what is occurring in the city. We ask that God’s Sovereign Hand be at work in Hong Kong during this time.



Congregational Needs

  1. Pray for our EM prayer meetings on every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7:30 pm in room B03 and that people will be encouraged to participate in them.
  2. Pray for our ongoing Summer Life Together today onwards as we go through what it means to be a “We” Church that focuses on making disciples around the world and in our neighborhoods.
  3. Pray for our EM Fellowships, Katalyst (High School) as they have Bible Study Night and Refresh (Young Adults) as they have Fellowship Night on Friday, July 12th and Philia (Junior High) as they have I Can Only Imagine Viewing Night on Saturday, July 13th.
  4. Pray for our sister Grace Chan who is currently battling cancer. May God grant her doctors wisdom to give her the best care.
  5. Continue to pray for those who are sick and those who are going through a tough time in their lives.


Children Ministry   

  1. Pray for those serving in children ministry. May they draw their strength and wisdom from God as they faithfully serve our church families.
  2. Pray for Wonderlight Bundles and Sonlight Bundles. Pray for our coaches. May they experience God’s blessings as they serve Him faithfully.